Runaway Kids Wiki

Restoration is a Fight Style. A person with Restoration fights so that the world around them may be returned, or restored, to the way it was before. A Restoration person dreams of their past, and often thinks about how it could have been changed so that their lives would be better in the present.

Legend Definition[]

"RESTORATION: A tragedy of a story explained through anything but speech. One who fights, (ever so painfully, each time they hurt someone) just so that when they are done everything will return to the way it was before. Innocence never left, whatever the others may say. They are not broken; they just need a nail to be re-hammered." -André Locust[1]

Notable Restoration Fighters[]

Misty Fairy Penguin (Deceased)

Holly Axolotl

Annejila Squirrel (Deceased)

Cobalt Angelshark (Deceased)

See Also[]


Blood (Fight Style)


Peace (Fight Style)

Notes and References[]

  1. The War, and its End by André Locust